Install Minikube on Windows

These steps will guide through the proper installation of Minikube on Windows 10.

Install Minikube on Windows

Install Minikube on Windows

If you're not a fan of simply clicking on "Create" in Google Cloud to launch a Kubernetes cluster but still want to test it's features somehow with no extra cost, then the simplest way to do that on a Windows 10 machine is to just follow these steps.

  • Enable Hyper-V from BIOS
  • Install Docker for Windows
  • Download kubectl + add to path
``` ```

  • Download minikube + add to path
``` ```

  • Configure NEW Hyper-V switch (type = "external")
  • Launch docker machine within new hyper-v switch (with "Run as administrator" privileges)
``` docker-machine create --driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "EXTERNAL virtual switch" --hyperv-memory 2048 training ```

  • Connect to docker-machine
``` docker-machine env training | Invoke-Expression ```

  • Start minikube cluster with (with "Run as administrator")
``` minikube.exe start --kubernetes-version="v1.5.2" --vm-driver="hyperv" --memory=2048 --hyperv-virtual-switch="EXTERNAL virtual switch" --v=7 --alsologtostderr ```

  • Get minikube and kubectl status
``` minikube status ```

Final notes

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